
American Wedding Photos – In this category you will find photos of weddings, couples, engagements, same sex and travels around America.  I have been graced to shoot weddings in California, Colorado, Wisconsin, Florida and many more. If you are having a wedding in America, please reach out as I would love to be there to document it.

About Me

Pizza, Coffee, and travel define my life. I believe in traveling often and experiencing new cultures and ways of life. When I travel I try to find amazing hikes, so you will see a lot of those in my blog posts! I also have a constant hunger for organic/farm-to-table restaurants. I love finding the little hole-in-wall places that only the locals know about! In the summer I love playing beach volleyball.

I live in La Crosse, WI to take care of my grandparents while I still can. Right now that gives me purpose. Eventually I see myself moving to a larger city with lots of hikes and outdoor activities to do. I want to live a life with purpose, constantly engaging people, growing and pushing forward.

I believe in documenting lifestyles and people. Each person has so many different experiences that has shaped who they are as a person. It excites me to go into a wedding day without knowledge of the family and see how each family operates, relates and connects.

A Florida bride flips during a mesmerizing dance at her wedding reception.

Florida Bride Flips Bridal Party Off

Yes, you read it right.  This Florida Bride Flips off the whole wedding party.  I still come back to this picture and laugh out loud.  It is so her.  Even when double checking with the bride she said…yes…that’s me…I’ll never apologize.  She even let me know that there are already a million pictures online of

Florida Bride Flips Bridal Party Off Read More »

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