bride and goom sitting

Wedding Stairs of La Crosse WI

Wedding stairsbride seated on stairs
bride and goom sitting

Using Stairs to Create Stunning Couple Poses: Tips from a Wedding Photographer

When it comes to capturing memorable couple photos, the setting can make all the difference. One of my favorite tools for creating dynamic and visually engaging poses is the humble staircase. Whether you’re working with grand, sweeping staircases or charming, rustic steps, stairs offer unique opportunities to enhance your couple portraits. Here’s how you can use stairs to add depth and creativity to your wedding photos.

1. Embrace Different Levels

Stairs naturally introduce multiple levels into your photos, which can add depth and interest. Positioning the couple on different steps allows you to create a layered effect. For example, you can have one partner seated on a lower step while the other stands above. This setup not only highlights their individual heights but also creates a visually appealing composition.

2. Frame with Stairs

Use the stairs themselves as a framing device. For instance, you can place the couple at the base of a grand staircase, using the steps and railings to frame them. This technique draws the viewer’s eye directly to the couple while the surrounding architecture adds context and elegance to the shot.

3. Capture Movement

Stairs are perfect for capturing natural, candid moments. Have the couple walk up or down the stairs, interacting with each other along the way. This movement can produce relaxed, genuine expressions and dynamic compositions. Action shots, such as a couple playfully running or dancing on the stairs, can also add a fun and spontaneous element to your gallery.

4. Play with Angles

Experiment with different angles to find the most flattering perspective. A low-angle shot looking up the stairs can make the couple appear more dramatic and majestic, while a high-angle shot from above can capture the entire staircase and its intricate details. Changing your viewpoint can significantly alter the mood and feel of the photo.

5. Utilize Stair Railing and Architectural Details

Incorporate the staircase’s architectural features into your shots. The railing can serve as a leading line that guides the viewer’s eye towards the couple, or it can be used for creative poses where the couple leans against it or holds onto it. These elements add texture and dimension to your photos.

6. Create Symmetry and Patterns

Stairs often create symmetrical patterns that can enhance your composition. Position the couple so that they are aligned with the stair’s lines or central to the staircase’s symmetry. This creates a balanced and visually pleasing effect, drawing attention to the couple amidst the architectural elements.

7. Focus on Intimacy and Connection

Stairs offer intimate spaces where couples can snuggle, whisper, or share a quiet moment away from the crowd. Use this setting to capture close-up shots that emphasize their connection and affection. This can be particularly effective in more private or secluded staircases where the couple feels relaxed and at ease.

Seated Shots and Practical Tips

Seated shots on stairs can be a bit risky, especially with brides in elegant dresses and grooms in sharp tuxes—nobody wants to deal with stains! During a recent shoot at Cedar Creek in La Crosse, WI, the bride and groom had just finished eating and were keen to explore the grounds as we waited for the sun to set. With the sun still high, I sought out some shade and found these stairs for a relaxed sit-down. Using the sun as a backlight, I was able to create a separation between the couple and the background, highlighting their hair and adding a beautiful glow to the photo. If natural light isn’t available, a similar effect can be achieved with strobes.

Personal Touch and Memories

I had a lot of fun with these two throughout their wedding journey. They opted for two engagement sessions in downtown La Crosse—one in the cold winter and another as the weather warmed up. From laying on the cold ground for unique shots to capturing them in summer attire, their love for detail and texture was evident. Both engagement sessions and their wedding could easily have been Pinterest-worthy.

By incorporating these ideas, you can use stairs to add creativity and elegance to your couple photos, making each shot a memorable part of their love story.

For more inspiration and to see how I incorporate these techniques into my work, visit Boxcar Photography.

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