A bride is preparing for her wedding day in a hotel room overlooking a river view.

Charmant Wedding

Charmant Wedding


Pregnant Bride Riverview Winery Riverview Winery Riverview Winery Riverside La Crosse Riverside Wedding The wedding tree dress Bridesmaids flowers Pearl Street Wedding Earls Bar La Crosssse Southwind Orchards Wedding Southwind Orchards Venue Southwind Orchards Wedding Southwind Orchards Venue Southwind Orchards Wedding La Crecent Wedding Riverview Winery Charmant Hotel Wedding Charmant Hotel Charmant Wedding



Charmant wedding

Oh how many emotions in one day!  The bride, who was pregnant saved their baby reveal for the day of their wedding.  The day started with an intimate gender reveal at the Charmant hotel. The couple had the doctor put the babies gender in an envelope as a wedding gift for the couple to open the day of the wedding.  Emotion and anticipation rang loud as he shouted “it’s a boy!” for the whole hotel to hear. After giving them some time, the ladies came in to get ready. The Charmant hotel offered the most beautiful backdrop for their getting ready pictures. Once ready the girls were on their way to Riverview Winery. The winery always has a beautiful intimate location for ceremony photos. After a few words from the officiant and the sister of the bride they were off to south wind orchards for a few more photos. They then stopped into earls bar to grab some drinks while they were on their way down to the Grand Hotel (a part of The Pearl Ice Cream Parlor).  They ended their night with lots of dancing including an unscripted “bye bye bye,” that the guys did impromptu. Shout out to the wedding tree for this amazing dress.

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