Brisbane Wedding Photographer
At some point I would love to call myself a Brisbane Wedding Photographer. Until then I will continue to shoot in the US and travel to shoot photography worldwide as needed. This wedding was nothing short of amazing. I feel that the clients were so hospitable to me, treating me as part of the family. For this trip I traveled to Sydney, AU to explore the city, and look at the potential move to Sydney someday. Unfortunately at this time I don’t see myself as moving until after 2016. When I do go, I guarantee I will be visiting this family for some promised water skiing (something that I don’t actively do now). Growing a relationship with these clients were absolutely amazing. I am so thankful that they allowed me to show up and document their day. Everything was set so amazing for a outback, bush, or even country wedding. After the ceremony we made our way to a private estate with a outdoor tent right off of a river. They dressed their wedding with so many amazing details, but really what got the most out of me was their genuine love for each other. Each one of the groomsmen were so tight together. They had a bond that had been created over many years. I cant say that I have had friends that I grew up with that I still stay in touch with. Life seems to push people away at times. Their bond was inspirational and being there made me feel like part of their group. They treated me to some real country living, and hospitality. The groom, a builder, had built the house for him and his wife that truly showed off his talent. They were so very hospitable in allowing me into their home. I got to shoot this wedding under a Brisbane wedding photographer. Her site is below if you are looking for amazing images in the Brisbane and Australia area.