Wedding Day Emergency Kit: Essential Items for Every Bride and Groom

Emergencies on your wedding day can be stressful, but having a well-stocked emergency kit can make all the difference. While we all hope everything goes smoothly, it’s always wise to be prepared for unexpected hiccups. Here’s a rundown of why each item in your wedding day emergency kit is crucial and why we love bringing our kit to every Midwest wedding.

1. Mini Toothbrush, Mini Toothpaste, Mini Mouthwash

Why: Ensure fresh breath throughout the day. Perfect for quick touch-ups after meals or before your vows.

2. Floss/Toothpicks, Gum, Mints

Why: Help keep your smile fresh and clean. Ideal for removing any food particles and freshening up before photos.

3. Bandaids (First Aid Mini Kit)

Why: Handle minor cuts, blisters, or any unexpected injuries. Essential for quick fixes.

4. Needle & Thread Sewing Kit (White, Black, Tan)

Why: Perfect for any wardrobe malfunctions or last-minute alterations. Match thread colors to your outfit for seamless repairs.

5. Mascara, Makeup Setting Spray

Why: Keep your makeup looking flawless all day. Mascara can fix any smudges, and setting spray helps maintain your look.

6. Mini Deodorant, Oil Sheets (for Face)

Why: Stay fresh and dry. Deodorant is essential for long-lasting freshness, while oil sheets help manage shine without disturbing your makeup.

7. Mini Contact Solution (or Eye Drops), Mini Dry Shampoo

Why: Keep your eyes comfortable and your hair looking great. Essential for refreshing your look if you have contact lenses or need a quick hair fix.

8. Tissues, Tampon/Panty Liner

Why: Be prepared for any unexpected tears or personal needs. Tissues can handle makeup smudges or emotional moments.

9. Pain Killer (Ibuprofen), Antacid (Tums)

Why: Address headaches or upset stomachs quickly. Keep discomfort at bay so you can enjoy your day.

10. Non-Drowsy Allergy Meds, Q-Tips, Cotton Balls

Why: Manage any allergies or makeup mishaps. Allergy meds help with any unexpected reactions, while Q-Tips and cotton balls assist with makeup touch-ups.

11. Sharpener (For Makeup), Bug Spray, Sunscreen

Why: Keep your makeup tools in good shape, and protect yourself from bugs and sunburns. Ensure a flawless appearance and comfort.

12. Hand Sanitizer, Makeup Remover Wipes

Why: Maintain hygiene and remove makeup as needed. Essential for keeping things clean and fresh.

13. Mini Mirror, Lotion, Mini Perfume (Roll On)

Why: Check your look and stay moisturized with a touch of fragrance. A mini mirror helps with last-minute adjustments, and lotion keeps your skin smooth.

14. Tweezers, Nail File, Nail Clipper

Why: Handle any small grooming needs or nail issues. Keep your appearance polished and professional.

15. Mini Scissors, Earring Backs, Lint Brush

Why: Address any minor issues with your attire or accessories. Scissors can handle tags or threads, while the lint brush keeps everything looking pristine.

16. Eyelash Glue, Nail Polish Remover, Clear Nail Polish

Why: Fix any beauty mishaps and keep your nails in top shape. Essential for maintaining your look throughout the day.

17. Hairbrush (Small), Comb, Lip Balm/Chapstick

Why: Ensure your hair stays styled and your lips remain smooth. Essential for touch-ups and maintaining your look.

18. Mini Hairspray, Bobby Pins, Hair Ties (Regular and Clear)

Why: Keep your hairstyle in place and manage any loose strands. Handy for quick fixes and adjustments.

19. Mini Razor, Safety Pins, Baby Wipes or Wet Ones

Why: Address any last-minute grooming needs, secure any loose items, and clean up any spills or messes.

20. Hem Tape, Double Stick Tape, Boutonniere Pins

Why: Handle any wardrobe malfunctions and secure boutonnieres. Keep everything in place and looking great.

21. Crochet Hook (For Buttoning Bridal Gown), Superglue

Why: Assist with any intricate fastenings or repairs. Superglue provides a quick fix for any emergencies.

22. Stain Remover, Static Cling Spray, Matches

Why: Manage any stains or static issues and address any emergency lighting needs.

23. Phone Charger, Umbrella

Why: Keep your phone charged for communication, and be prepared for unexpected weather changes.

24. Extra Pair of Shoe Laces, Dark Dress Socks, Granola Bar, Extra Cuff Links

Why: Handle any footwear or accessory issues, and have a quick snack on hand.

25. Shoe Polish, Wine Bottle Opener, Cheap Sunglasses

Why: Keep your shoes looking sharp, open celebratory drinks, and protect your eyes in style.

26. Emergency Mini Bottle of Vodka or Wine, Lighter, Sharpie

Why: Celebrate in style, light candles if needed, and make quick notes or adjustments.

Here is a more direct list for your shopping needs:

Mini Toothbrush

Mini Toothpaste

Mini Mouthwash




Bandaids (First aid mini kit?)

Needle & thread sewing  kit w/ a few basic colors – white, black, tan? 


Makeup setting spray 

Mini deodorant

Oil sheets (for face – don’t remove makeup, just oil)

Mini Contact Solution (or eye drops)

Mini Dry Shampoo


Tampon/Panty liner

Pain Killer (ibprofeun)

Antacid (Tums)

Non-drowsy allergy meds


Cotton balls

Sharpener (for makeup stuff)

Bug Spray


Hand sanitizer

Makeup Remover wipes

Mini mirror


Mini perfume (roll on/smaller versions)


Nail file

Nail clipper

Mini scissors?

Earring backs 


Eyelash glue

Nail polish remover? 

Clear nail polish

Hairbrush (small)


Lip balm/chapstick

Mini Hairspray

Bobby pins 

Hair ties (regular and clear!)

Mini Razor?

Safety pins

Baby wipes or wet ones?

Hem tape?

Double stick tape

Boutonniere pins? 

Crochet hook (for buttoning bridal gown)?


Stain remover

Static cling spray


Phone charger (You probably already have)

Umbrella (You probably already have) 

Extra pair of shoe laces for dudes? 

Pair of dark dress socks for dudes?

Granola bar? Or some kind of emergency snack?

Extra pair of cuff links? 

Shoe polish? 

Wine bottle opener (I think you have this?)

Pair of cheap sunglasses 

Emergency mini bottle of vodka or wine? 



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